Solar energy myths vs. reality
Generating solar power in one's own home or business is gaining popularity everywhere – there are already over 1,600 solar power producers in Estonia. Although solar panel installation is gaining momentum in Estonia, it is unfortunately accompanied by many myths. We'll help clear up the most common misconceptions.
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INTERNSHIP BLOG | Driving to the Riga office with an electric car – chargers create value for businesses too
I am an intern data specialist at Enefit and started my internship at the beginning of June. In just my second week, I had the great opportunity to visit Enefit’s Riga office with Santa Tohver, head of the Estonian market. We also made a short stop at one of Enefit’s clients in Pärnu, who is in the process of installing Enefit Volt car chargers.
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Enefit has upgraded the street lighting in Peipsiääre municipality
The smart and energy-saving lighting solution for the town of Kallaste was created in cooperation between Enefit and Peipsiääre municipality on the already existing infrastructure of Elektrilevi...
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Reader asks: "What does an electricity bill consist of?”
Electricity is an integral part of our lives – we need it whether we’re at work, walking down the street or doing domestic chores. As the electricity bill we receive each month has a direct impact on our monthly budget...
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The application process has started! KredEx opened the grant for the installation of solar panels and battery storage
When looking for ways to save on electricity costs and grow the value of your property, solar panels together with a storage solution are the best option. In addition to being able to save money, a home solar plant provides an opportunity to produce 100% clean energy and contribute to a greener future.
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Comparison of electricity packages: explore the options and find the one that best suits your needs
There are as many electricity consumption habits as people. To cater to consumers’ needs and preferences, there is a wide range of different electricity packages on the market.
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Everything you need to know about the end of the universal electricity service
In the conditions of the 2022 energy crisis and record high exchange prices, the universal service was created to protect consumers. Now that electricity prices have stabilised and more and more renewable energy production capacity is being added to the market, the universal service is no longer necessary and the state has decided to end it.
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Get ready! KredEx is once again opening up the grant for the installation of solar panels and battery storage
Solar panels together with a storage solution are the best option. In addition to being able to save money, a home solar plant provides an opportunity to produce 100% clean energy and contribute to a greener future.
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Switching to a green electricity package – a simple change with a big impact
On the path to a cleaner future, everyone’s habits have an impact. Choosing a green electricity package is one of the easiest environmentally friendly changes you can make.
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What should you do with your electricity contract when moving?
It is not necessary to think about concluding an electricity contract in your day-to-day life, but when moving, it is inevitably something that has to be faced...
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Which electricity package is the best for you? Together we’ll find the right one
While it takes just a few mouse clicks to sign an electricity contract, choosing the right package for your needs can take a little longer.
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Towards the future! More than 20,000 customers have joined Enefit’s high-speed internet
Working from home office, e-learning or using social media – these are just some of the activities that would not be possible without an internet connection. While connection quality usually depends on the number of devices connected to the network...
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Enefit Connect has upgraded the street lighting in Peipsiääre municipality
Starting from March the town of Kallaste will be illuminated by smart and energy-efficient streetlights.
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From electricity packages to electric car chargers: How Enefit Connect, together with real estate developers, make creating homes simpler
Electricity package, TV and internet service provider, electric car charging point – these are just some of the details that you need to think about separately when moving.
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Safety first! When was the last time you checked your household electrical appliances?
In the midst of our busy lives, we tend to forget how important it is to check our household electrical appliances at least once a year to make sure they are safe. Even poor contact in an outlet can cause a fire.
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Customer video: Establishment of an operator-neutral communication network in the Volta Quarter
The machine industry area of the Volta Quarter in North Tallinn is being reconstructed with completely new energy rating A buildings at the beginning of 2023.
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High-speed internet attracts new residents to the countryside and increases the value of real estate
"People also live in the countryside. In the e-state hustle and bustle, however, the small detail that there is no access to high-quality internet in remote areas has been forgotten," begins Tanel Talve, Member of the Board of NGO Voose Village Society. The only solution in such a situation is optical cable connection, the development of which is supported by the state. But…
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Customer video: Nordecon's Green Journey
Nordecon is Estonia's largest contractor of custom constructions, whose engineers help complete approximately two-thirds of local projects that are complex and large.
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Touring Italy with four children and an electric bus. Why not!
Margus Ots is a busy father of four children, acting in the field of IT on a daily basis. This summer, he and his family took a road trip from Estonia to Italy and back.
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Dagöplast: Renewable energy must be supported now so that it reaches the masses in the future
Dagöplast is a film manufacturer that mostly uses recycled or biodegradable materials. In recent years, Dagöplast has only been consuming green energy, and solar panels will be installed on the roof of one of their production buildings by autumn. Kulvo Pendra, the company's Chief Executive, is going to tell us more about Dagöplast's journey to zero.
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Listen to the podcast | What does the 21st Century Leader look like?
What kind of leaders does the future need? Can a circular business be profitable? If so, why have we been talking about it for the last 30 years yet without putting it into action? What knowledge do today's top managers lack and what needs to change?
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High-speed Internet by Enefit has reached 10,000 people of the future
Today's life is rather difficult without the Internet, quite impossible to imagine. There are more and more devices and applications that require an Internet connection.
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Extend the life of your air source heat pump with these simple steps
A high-quality and skillfully installed air source heat pump requires little maintenance and can last for 10-15 years.
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Eesti Energia is inviting you to apply for scholarship!
Eesti Energia has a great tradition of supporting and recognizing outstanding students with a scholarship every year.
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Enefit Technology Park creates jobs and helps make the green transition a reality
Over the past five years, Eesti Energia has created a unique technology park near Narva, that attracts energy-intensive but green-minded companies to Ida-Viru County with low electricity prices and a wide range of opportunities, and helps to create new jobs.
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Be a smarter consumer! Three important lessons about electricity packages and pricing
If the last time you thought about you home’s electricity issues was years ago when the contract was signed, it is worth updating what you should know about electricity bills and the choice of packages.
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Worried about high electricity bills? The following solutions can help you
Cold weather often leads to a bad surprise in the form of high electricity bills. If you want to take action now to save energy costs at home, there are several good solutions.
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Let's start saving! Simple and smart energy saving tips
With simple tips, every household can save energy. Most energy-saving solutions are simple and may bring a lower invoice already by next month. Savings are possible for everyone, no matter how much energy you consume.
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Three simple tips for summer-time energy saving
Sunny weather is not just about going to the beach and enjoying good harvest. It is also a time when you can successfully reduce your energy consumption, saving both costs and reducing your ecological footprint.
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7 nippi, kuidas kodu energiasäästlikult jahutada
Kuna üheksa kuud aastas peame siinses kliimas mõtlema pigem sellele, kuidas elamine soojaks kütta, tabab kuumalaine eestlast tihti kui välk selgest taevast. Õnneks pole kodu jahutamisele mõtlemiseks kunagi liiga hilja.
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Is your electricity contract being extended? Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions
Aasta lõpus pikeneb paljudel kodudel taaskord elektrileping. Kui viimati sai elektriteemadele tähelepanu pööratud aastaid tagasi lepingut sõlmides, siis väärib värskendust, mida elektrilepingu pikenemine õigupoolest tähendab.
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Four smart solutions that make large electricity bills smaller
Sügis ja talv toovad sageli kaasa halva üllatuse – kõrgemad elektriarved. Kuid see ei peagi tingimata nii olema! Kui soovid leida viise, kuidas kõrgeid arveid koomale tõmmata, siis anname sulle ülevaate erinevatest võimalikest nutikatest lahendustest.
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Considering upgrading your heating system? Advice on when the investment will pay off
When the weather is cold and your home suddenly needs extra heating, the easiest choice is often made: go to the nearest construction store and buy a cheap electric fan blower or radiator.
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5 questions and simple answers: selecting and installing a heat pump
The heat pump is a popular heating system that is both energy-efficient and wallet-friendly in its operation. Orienting in the world of heat pumps can be relatively difficult at first, so we share the answers to the most frequently asked questions about pump selection and installation.
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Take a look at the calculations: how big is the financial gain from solar panels?
Autumn is the best time to start planning a solar power plant, because in that case the solar park is ready for spring and the opportunity is to get a share of almost all of next year's solar power production.
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Electric car or ordinary car - which one is cleaner?
An electric car is cleaner than a regular car. This is not a statement, but a fact supported by numerous studies around the world. Year after year, the environmental footprint of those cars will become even smaller.
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Study: The electrical safety behaviour of Estonian residents leaves much to be desired
According to the Estonian Rescue Board, 164 building fires have started due to electricity this year, which forces us to again refer to the dangers related to electricity during this heating season.
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Entrepreneurial interns are welcome to join us throughout the year
The summer months are always the busiest, and even today there are 80 young people doing their traineeship in our companies. We spoke in more detail about the internship with Natalja Horohordina, Head of External Offspring and Recruitment.
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Nature conservation requires: Renewable energy to cover the energy needs of hundreds of thousands of homes
Enefit Green, which is one of the largest and most diverse renewable energy producers in the Baltics and part of the corporate group of Eesti Energia, produces electricity and heat from wind, sunlight, biomass, water and mixed municipal waste.
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The Virtual Power Plant helps reduce the costs for Liwathon E.O.S.
At the end of 2020, Liwathon E.O.S., the largest independent oil products terminal operator in the Baltic region, connected its electric heating of transport pipelines to Eesti Energia's Virtual Power Plant in order to sell surplus energy back to the grid and thus generate additional revenue.
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Flexible control of mine pumps allows to save 7% per year on energy costs
The Estonia Mine in Ida-Virumaa is the largest underground mine in Estonia – it would be as large as the city of Tallinn when raised to the ground. The mine can function thanks to powerful pumps, the largest of which (560 kW) are connected to Eesti Energia's Virtual Power Plant. Each cubic metre pumped means electricity consumption that can be reduced by up to 7% per year with this solution.
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The ABC’s of Renewable Energy: How do large wind turbines work?
When visiting beautiful coastal areas in Estonia, powerful and magnificent wind turbines catch our eyes in many places. But how do the wind turbines we see in Virtsu, Paldiski or Aulepa operate?
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Are you moving? Here are tips on how to manage your contracts
Congratulations on your new home! You must be excited, but don't forget that there are many different things to do with moving. In order to make your life a little easier, we will share guidelines on what tasks you need to keep in mind.
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How to choose a gas boiler?
Although a few golden rules can be relied upon when choosing a gas boiler, it is worth talking to a specialist before making a purchase. Moreover, the boiler that is already installed must be regularly serviced to ensure its longest possible service life.
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Are you building a new house? 5 ideas on how to do it more energy-efficiently
When you start building a house, you are probably committing to a project that is the biggest investment of your life and impacts your finances a lot. In order to keep the cost of a new house reasonable and to manage it economically, you should think carefully about energy saving during the design and interior design phases.
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Let's shed some light on this topic! A dark working environment can cause accidents and reduce productivity
Most of us spend a significant amount of our time awake in the workplace, and this environment has a significant impact on how we feel and on the quality of our work. One aspect of the work environment that is often overlooked is lighting.
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The fuses are constantly out and flowing water emits electric shocks? 4 electrical hazards that require the intervention of an electrician
In a popular family blog, “A Mida Henry Teeb?“ or "What Does Henry Do?", blogger Henry Jakobson called for stories about unexpected events and problems related to electricity. We will explain the most common electrical hazards which indicate that you should contact an electrician as soon as possible.
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A mobile app showing energy consumption: what are the benefits?
Surveys show that an average smartphone owner uses around 9 mobile apps a day or about 30 apps a month. Nowadays, the world of applications is enormous, and there have been rapid developments in applications that help keep an eye on the household. One such application is Eesti Energia's mobile app for tracking energy consumption – the best domestic application for saving money.
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