What should you do with your electricity contract when moving?

It is not necessary to think about concluding an electricity contract in your day-to-day life, but when moving, it is inevitably something that has to be faced. We explain how to deal with electrical operations when moving both in and out and what happens when an electricity supplier is not chosen.


To have electricity at home, two separate contracts need to be concluded: a network contract and an electricity purchase contract. A network contract is mandatory from the point of view of electricity consumption, as it is the basis on which the network operator provides the point of consumption with electricity. An electricity contract cannot be concluded without a network contract.

However, an electricity contract enables you to choose a suitable electricity supplier and package that matches your wishes and needs.

When you are selling an apartment or a house

One of the preconditions of concluding an electricity contract at a new point of consumption is the absence of existing contracts. So before you conclude a new contract, terminate your previous network contract first. A network contract can be terminated with a 30 days’ notice given to your network operator.

With the expiry of the network contract, your existing electricity contract will also expire, so you do not need to contact your electricity supplier separately.

If you have indicated that you would like to terminate the network contract, the next resident can conclude their own network contract. If a new contract is not concluded within 30 days after the request to terminate the old one, electricity will be switched off at the point of consumption.

When purchasing an apartment or a house

First, make sure that no existing network contracts are connected to the point of consumption Then you can conclude a new contract. Among other things, a network contract specifies the requirements of supplying the point of consumption with electricity, the price package of the network service and contact details for providing information, such as planned interruptions.

A network contract must be concluded with the network operator in whose area your home is located. As a customer of the Elektrilevi network area, you can conclude a network contract at the e-service of Elektrilevi and later terminate it there as well.

We suggest concluding the network contract and electricity contract on the same day, so that both will come into effect at the same time. The electricity packages offered by Enefit are divided into two by their content: with a fixed price, or ‘Fixed’, and with the exchange price, or ‘Exchange’. All our packages can be personalised according to your wishes: for example, choose one based on renewable energy or set an appropriate price type or tariff.

You can read more about electricity packages here. To sign a contract, visit our e-service.

What happens when electricity supplier is not selected?

If you have an existing network contract, but you have not concluded an electricity contract with any electricity suppliers, you are consuming electricity on the general service basis.

A general service means that you can consume electricity without an electricity contract, but the price of the electricity is determined independently from you. The base price of the general service is based on the production price and the supplier’s cost component. The base price, or production price, is approved by the Competition Authority pursuant to the Electricity Market Act.

As the general service is no longer connected to the exchange price, it has become one of the most expensive solutions on the market. If you no longer want to use the general service, all you have to do is conclude an electricity agreement with a suitable electricity supplier.

I live in apartment building where electricity is purchased jointly by the apartment association – what can I do?

Joint purchasing means that the payment of the network and electricity invoices is arranged by the apartment association, owner or manager. In such case, apartment owners or tenants are sub-consumers who cannot choose or change their electricity supplier and do not have to conclude a separate network or electricity contracts.

If the electricity service is purchased jointly through the apartment association, common electricity purchasing requirements apply for all members of the association. This is in contrast to individual purchasing where every apartment owner can decide which electricity supplier they are purchasing electricity from and on which conditions.

It is possible to switch from joint purchasing to individual purchasing. In that case, it has to be a unanimous decision of the association, as the switch can only occur in the whole building at the same time. More information can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding electrical operations, feel free to contact us by writing to or calling 777 4040. Together we will find the best solution for you.

Moving is also a good time for reviewing your building’s electrical systems, alongside your network and electricity contract. In addition to safety checks, Enefit’s electricians can also help with major and minor electrical works, such as installing and replacing sockets, switches and electrical wiring or plugging electrical appliances into the network.