Everything you need to know about the end of the universal electricity service

In the conditions of the 2022 energy crisis and record high exchange prices, the universal service was created to protect consumers. Now that electricity prices have stabilised and more and more renewable energy production capacity is being added to the market, the universal service is no longer necessary and the state has decided to end it.


At the moment, neither the decision nor the time to end the universal service have been finalised, because the amendment to the Electricity Market Act is still being read in the Parliament of Estonia. Universal service is expected to end on 1 July 2024.

What about customers who are currently still on the universal service?

At the end of the service, we will transfer all customers on the universal service to the exchange package. The change does not entail any additional obligations for the customer – it is free and happens automatically.

However, all universal service customers can choose a new electricity package for themselves if they wish. If you know that you do not want to consume electricity based on the exchange price, change your electricity package before the universal service is terminated.

The sooner you change the package, the more useful it will be for you. Universal service is currently the most expensive option of the existing electricity packages on the market, which means that by making the switch today, you will save on future electricity bills.

Do I have to pay a contract termination fee when leaving the universal service?

No, leaving the universal service does not entail any additional costs or fines. You can terminate the contract and choose a new electricity package at Enefit self-service or by contacting our customer service by writing to [email protected] or calling 777 4040.

If you wish to know why you have to pay a contract termination fee for some electricity packages, you can read more about it here.

How to determine whether you consume electricity on the basis of a universal service or another package?

You can see your package and consumption information when you log in to the self-service portal of your energy retailer. You can also see information about your place of consumption by logging in to self-service on the Elering website.

Click here to log in to Enefit self-service.

Which electricity package to choose instead of the universal service?

The most suitable electricity package for each customer depends on their electricity consumption and their ability and willingness to monitor and manage their consumption. Electricity packages are divided into two types: packages with the fixed price and packages with the exchange price.

In the electricity package with the fixed price, the unit price of electricity is agreed upon and does not change during the validity period of the contract. It is suitable for consumers who are looking for security from fluctuating electricity prices, use electric heating and do not manage their consumption.

The exchange package is suitable for consumers who are willing to monitor exchange prices and schedule their consumption for hours with a lower price in order to get a bigger price gain. While being on the exchange package, it is possible to guarantee a lower electricity price, but you must also be prepared for price peaks. People who produce and store electricity themselves should also opt for the exchange package.

A third option will soon be added: the Seasonal Secure package, which will offer both the benefits of cheap electricity in summer and the security of a fixed price in winter. For customers who choose the package, the exchange price will apply from April to September and the fixed price from October to March. If you are interested, you can submit your request on Enefit’s website or via customer service and we will contact you.

If you want more information or have any other questions, we will be happy to help. Contact us and write to [email protected], call 777 4040 or leave a request for a consultation on our website.