The application process has started! KredEx opened the grant for the installation of solar panels and battery storage

When looking for ways to save on electricity costs and grow the value of your property, solar panels together with a storage solution are the best option. In addition to being able to save money, a home solar plant provides an opportunity to produce 100% clean energy and contribute to a greener future.


As with every investment, the decision to install a solar plant has to be considered carefully. The installation of panels is possible if:

  • you live in a private house, semi-detached house or terraced house that has a use and occupancy permit and that is not subject to heritage conservation as an architectural or cultural monument;
  • the roof has enough free space and is not obscured by tall trees. The panels can also be installed on the ground close to the building;
  • the electrical system of the building is safe, the roof is durable and does not require renovation in the near future.

When discussing the price of the solution, some people say that producing and storing solar energy is too costly. The actual profitability of the project depends on how skilfully the solar power plant is planned and how much of the energy you produce is used in the consumption point.

Другими словами, если производство солнечной электроэнергии соответствует потреблению и срок окупаемости инвестиций адекватен, нет причин считать солнечную энергию дорогой. Кроме того, существующие пособия помогают снизить инвестиционную нагрузку.

You can calculate a solution suitable for your home together with its price and conditions with the help of our solar panel calculator.

More about the grant

To install solar panels and a storage solution, it is a good opportunity to use the KredEx reconstruction grant for small residences, which aims to increase the energy efficiency of small residencies and improve the indoor climate, reduce energy costs and encourage the use of renewable energy.

You can get all the necessary documents for the KredEx grant from Enefit. If you take the project you want to apply for from us, we’ll give you an energy label free of charge.

Applications for the grant were opened on April 23 and are aimed at private individuals and families. It is important to note that:

  • You can apply for a grant for the renovation of a detached house and a dwelling with up to two apartments or a terraced house.
  • The dwelling must be entered in the building register and the year of first occupation must be indicated.
  • Grant can be applied for if the subsidized work raises the energy class of the building by at least one class, e.g. from class C to class B. If the energy class is already an A, it is not possible to apply for the grant.

The period for carrying out the supported activities is 12 months from the date of the decision to grant the application. In duly justified cases, the deadline for carrying out the activities may be extended once for a period of up to six months.

The rate and maximum amount of the grant will depend on the volume of work and may vary from region to region.

In the case of partial reconstruction, the subsidy rate is 20% of the subsidized costs and the maximum subsidy amount is 20,000 euros per small residency. In the case of complete reconstruction, the subsidy rate is based on the subsidized costs and the maximum subsidy amount per small residency:

  • In Tallinn and Tartu, 30% and 30,000 euros.
  • In Harku municipality, Jõelähtme municipality, Kiili municipality, Maardu town, Rae municipality, Saku municipality, Saue municipality, except on the land area of the former Kernu municipality and Nissi municipality as of October 14, 2017; In Viimsi municipality, Luunja municipality, on the land area of the former Ülenurme municipality as of October 14, 2017, on the land area of Tartu municipality as of October 14, 2017, and on the land area of the former Tähtvere municipality as of October 14, 2017, 40% and 40 000 euros.
  • In settlements not mentioned in the two previous points, 50% and up to 50,000 euros.

You can find more information about the supported works, important conditions and how to apply on the KredEx website.

If you have any energy-related questions or would like some advice, register for a free consultation with Enefit. Together we will find the best solution for you and your home.