From electricity packages to electric car chargers: How Enefit Connect, together with real estate developers, make creating homes simpler

Electricity package, TV and internet service provider, electric car charging point – these are just some of the details that you need to think about separately when moving. But what if those choices could be made even before construction begins and precisely according to your wishes?

This is the mission of Enefit Connect in cooperation with various development projects such as Rabarebase Garden City and Tähistaeva Kodu development. The aim of these companies is to offer the customer the opportunity to actually design their own home, not just in the form of furnishing the rooms, but from start to finish, making it truly their own.


‘By visiting the websites of various new developments, we can decide which area or detailed spatial plan best suits us when choosing a future home. If possible and desired, we can also choose the interior finish to our liking, from 2–3 standard packages. The solution we offer takes a step further,’ explains Ruth Simpson, Sales Development Manager for Enefit Connect infrastructure solutions.

In other words, this means that the customer can choose during the purchase process whether they want to have an electricity contract, heating solution, high-speed internet connection, solar panels, energy storage unit or electric car charger in addition to the building.

This way, the client can design their future home that is entirely based on their wishes and needs. In addition to personalisation, the whole process has been made as comfortable as possible for the client – the developer buys the desired solutions from the service provider (Eesti Energia), the fee is calculated conveniently into the loan payment and when moving in, everything is ready for use.

Useful for both the customer and developer

‘In the long term, it will be easier to make such decisions at the initial stage, when construction has not yet begun. This way the necessary work can be done at once and you do not have to spend time on finding a separate service provider or buying and installing the product later when the home is finished. In addition, the developer has the opportunity to plan ahead and offer the customer greater freedom of choice,’ says Ruth.

The latter is also confirmed by Janar Toomesso, Tähistaeva Kodu development partner, who says that the company wants to offer high-quality full service products. ‘The customer does not need to be an expert. Today, there are many different solutions on the market, some of which may be completely unheard of for some. Our task is to assemble them together, bring them to the customer and by the end of the day deliver them the selected product solutions together with the final product.’

Collaboration with Enefit Connect was a shared vision. With 12 years of experience in real estate design, according to Janar, technological developments bring more and smarter solutions to the market, which in turn shape the customer needs. ‘If today, solar panels, storage, electric car charging solutions and the like are still a matter of choice for people, then we can see that in the future the availability of these devices is already more important,’ Janar says, ‘therefore, we are trying to anticipate customer expectations.’

Foresight is precisely what brings benefit already today, as offering a complete solution allows you to stand out from competitors and position your product better. ‘One of our goals has been to allow the customer to focus on important decisions and to save time and money spent on testing different solutions. We want to offer everything from one place, with future needs and an innovative energy-saving environment in mind. We certainly consider this kind of thoughtfulness to our advantage,’ Janar adds.

Cooperation is the future

Although there is still a year before the design of the first houses starts, customer interest has been positive and a number of reservations have already been made.

‘Usually sales start when the infrastructure is set up. But we can see that we already have demand today and people believe in this vision,’ Janar says.

‘We just keep upgrading ourselves based on customer feedback. If we see a question, we will try to find an answer to it ourselves or together with Enefit Connect. So far, our cooperation has been successful and we are ready to carry out similar projects in the future,’ he adds.

If you are planning a real estate development and want to offer a variety of communications and energy solutions to your customers, please contact us and let’s find a time to chat. To do this, call 777 2020 or .