Lighting solutions for communities

Lighting significantly affects our lives. Lighting solutions aimed at communities allow you to use your own initiative and make your home area safer, more modern and more attractive.

Our lighting service (change of lighting) for communities ensures savings on energy and the environment

Modern LED luminaires and a control system can save up to 80% on electricity costs compared to traditional lighting solutions.

Maintenance costs are reduced at the same time, as light sources and/or ignition devices no longer burn out and do not need to be constantly replaced.

In addition to reduced energy costs, the company's communities footprint decreases.

Lighting solution on electric poles - Simple and cost-effective

Our innovative lighting solution connects street lights directly to existing power line poles. Such a solution is more than half as expensive than the traditional solution with full construction of luminaire poles.

The price of the service includes lights and installation, as well as the cost of lighting management and energy consumption. It is possible to continue with the lighting management service after the end of the contract period.

Choose the most suitable solution

We offer two ways for communities to install or renew your lighting

Full service solution with monthly payments
Street lighting as a service

Contract period

10 years

The initial investment

We cover the cost of the initial investment and you have a fixed monthly payment for the entire contract period

The monthly payment includes:

  • connection
  • project solution
  • execution & lights management
  • energy consumption throughout the contract period

We guarantee the working order of the lights during the contract period, i.e. in case of possible failures, we will fix them at our own expense.

Turn-key solution, suitable if you are ready to invest
Construction and management of street lighting for municipalities

Contract period

5 years

The initial investment

includes connection, project solution and execution

Subsequent management service includes:

  • lighting management
  • energy consumption throughout the contract period

We guarantee the working order of the lights during the contract period, i.e. in case of possible failures, we will fix them at our own expense.

5 steps to a modern and economical street lighting solution

  • 1


    We thoroughly analyze the location and map the needs.

  • 2

    Concluding the contract

    We procure and install the lighting solution.

  • 3


    We procure and install the lighting solution.

  • 4


    The quality of life and security in the area improve.

  • 5


    We manage and maintain the lighting solution during the contract period.

Ask for an offer

Completed work

Kihnu island

Eesti Energia's subsidiary Enefit Connect started building street lighting on Kihnu Island in cooperation with the Municipality of Kihnu. As part of the first phase, 26 remotely operated LED street lights were installed on the island's existing electrical poles. In the next steps, the lighting solution extends across Kihnu in different sections, thus increasing the security of island residents.

Kose municipality

On the roads and streets of the Kose municipality, Enefit Connect installed 46 new street lights that help lift community safety in places where lighting was previously lacking. This is a sustainable lighting solution for renewable electricity with a smart control system.

Lukussepa road in Saku

The home street for seven families in Saku was poorly illuminated at night. We installed an innovative lighting solution on the street - luminaires attached to existing electricity poles. Smaller investment and easier installation (no excavation required).


The main street of Ruhnu Island had poor lighting in the dark. We installed 26 remote-controlled LED street lights there. The luminaires were mostly attached to existing wooden poles. The new and modern solution allows to light twice as many roads at the same fixed cost! Islanders can now move around more safely in the dark.