
Enefit Connect will reach one in ten households with its high-speed internet by the end of 2023

Enefit Connect, a subsidiary of Eesti Energia, is building a next generation optical cable network that brings ultra-fast Internet and TV services to homes. By the end of 2023, the company will be offering almost 80,000 customers across Estonia the opportunity to connect to an operator-neutral communication network. The expansion of the network will continue in the following years.


Nearly 15,000 customers have already decided in favour of Enefit's high-speed internet, among them are residents of both rural areas and cities. Connecting to Enefit's high-speed internet has several benefits for customers - a high-quality and ultra-fast (at least 1 Gbit/s) connection that is not affected by weather or mobile service, with the possibility to connect several devices at the same time. Enefit's network is neutral, meaning that customers can choose their own Internet and TV service provider.

"By using an operator-neutral communication network, customers have the opportunity to choose whether to continue with their existing TV and Internet service provider or decide in favour of a new one. Since our network is open to all operators, the list to choose from is quite long," explained Kadri Küttim , Product Manager for Communication Solutions at Enefit Connect.

Real estate developers are increasingly interested in the operator-neutral network in order to offer home buyers added value in the form of convenient and modern communication solutions.

"Real estate developers have a big say in creating tomorrow's living environments, including bringing ultra-fast internet to residents," said Margus Malv , Head of Communication Solutions. "Until now, we have been developing communication networks together with real estate developers mainly nearby Tallinn and Tartu. Developers increasingly understand the value created for residents. That is why we are also entering larger cities with our communication network, for example the Volta Quarter in Tallinn," Malv added.

To join, all you need to do is check our website for whether the service reaches your address. We will then start building the communication network and inform you when the work has been completed. All that remains is to choose a suitable operator and sign a service contract.

Enefit Connect is a subsidiary of Eesti Energia that develops and manages various power networks, a high-speed internet network, a modern electric car charging network and a large part of Estonian street lighting. In addition, they provide customers with energy solutions based on advanced technology. Read more about the future-proof internet and television network on the website of Eesti Energia.