
In the new year, almost 20,000 addresses are able to join Enefit's high-speed Internet

Enefit Connect, a subsidiary of Eesti Energia, is building a next generation optical cable network that brings ultra-fast Internet and TV services to homes. The company has announced its plans for 2023 on its website, according to which their network would expand to 4 more counties - Järva, Hiiu, Jõgeva and Põlva - thus being available almost all over Estonia.

Today's life is rather difficult without the Internet, quite impossible to imagine. There are more and more devices and applications that require an Internet connection. Therefore, a stable fiber-optic network connection that does not depend on the number of users, the weather or the coverage is the best choice. More than 13,000 customers have already decided in favour of Enefit's high-speed Internet.

"High-speed fiber-optic Internet is our future, it should be widely available. Through the development of a high-speed Internet and television network, we will help Estonian residents cope better and make life more comfortable. When working from home office or performing school tasks, a functioning network connection is becoming increasingly important. Our goal is to provide our service in a smarter and more personalised way in order to meet the needs and expectations of our customers even better,” said Jaanus Tiisvend, Chairman of the Management Board of Enefit Connect.

However, sometimes there are situations where optical cables do not reach the households further away from village centres. The world does not end at this point, because with good will, you can create the path to the connection point on your own as well. This is exactly what the residents of the village of Voose did, literally digging a ditch to the connection point to create a high-speed Internet connection.

Project manager for communication solutions at Enefit Connect, Mait Rahi, explained: “We always have to look at the cost of building a single address point. We route optical cables mostly to the centres of settlements with more households. The state supports a certain part of it. If too large a minus appears for the development amount, we will be forced to make a decision certainly not to the liking of border areas.”

“The activity of Voose Village Society is an excellent example of how an active community itself creates an opportunity to connect. We very much welcome such undertakings, and in case of solid interest, we can advise on how to organize the necessary actions,” he added.

You can learn more about the story of the residents of Voose on Eesti Energia's blog. More information about Enefit’s high-speed Internet and connections is available on Eesti Energia's website.