
From September a new price for heating applies to OÜ Pogi customers

From 1 September a new price of 47.16 euros/MWh plus VAT will apply to customers of the central heating area covered by OÜ Pogi. This price remains one of the lowest and most stable heating prices in Estonia. The Competition Authority approved the new limit price for OÜ Pogi on 14 July.

“Already for a long time Paide customers of OÜ Pogi are able to use heat energy at very competitive prices. Investments in the new combined heating and power plant allow us to offer central heating at consistently low prices – regardless of fluctuations in oil and natural gas prices on the world market and the availability of different types of fuel. However, the set goal of further ensuring efficient heat energy generation suggests a price increase of 3.6%,” Innar Kaasik, director of the renewable energy and small scale combined heat and power division of Eesti Energia stated, explaining the increase in prices at OÜ Pogi, majority shares of which belong to Eesti Energia.

According to Kaasik, even after the upcoming price change, the price of heating offered by OÜ Pogi remains one of the lowest in Estonia. “Our goal is to continue supplying heating to customers at a reasonable price. We will personally inform every customer about the price change”.

The average price of the heat energy in the largest central heating regions is currently approximately 49.4 euros/MWh, or approximately 4% higher than the price that will be in force in Paide. For example, Rapla and Türi consumers pay 51.03 and 50.85 euros/MWh respectively, while in Tallinn with much more consumers the price is 48.48 euros/MWh (prices shown without VAT).

Kaasik also says that construction of the new combined heat and power plant working on biomass in Paide was a highly practical decision, since the previous plant operating on wood chips was nearing the end of its period of service. “At the same time, considering the trends in Scandinavia and Estonia, all major cities have new combined heat and power plants that use local Estonian wood chips as fuel,” notes Kaasik.