
Supervisory Board of Eesti Energia elected Hando Sutter CEO

At its meeting this afternoon, the Supervisory Board of Eesti Energia elected Hando Sutter – to date the Regional Market Manager of the Baltic States and Russia at Nord Pool Spot – the Chairman of the Management Board. Mr Sutter will start performing his new duties on 1 December.

Hando Sutter’s previous posts were with AS ESS Group (renamed G4S), Tolaram Investments, Olympic Entertainment Group, and US Invest. For more than four past years, he has worked as the Regional Market Manager of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia in the largest Nordic electricity exchange Nord Pool Spot. Mr Sutter read Mechanical Engineering at the Tallinn University of Technology and completed a Business Master’s course at EBS.

“There is no doubt that Eesti Energia has been a successful and well managed company. The new strategy developed at the end of the last year and the owner’s expectations as communicated by the Ministry of Financial Affairs early this year require focused implementation. Hando Sutter proved to be the most supported candidate in the hunt for a new CEO organised by the Supervisory Board,” says Erkki Raasuke, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Energia.

According to Hando Sutter, being the CEO of Eesti Energia involves a big responsibility to clients, employees, and the general public. “I would like to thank the Supervisory Board of Eesti Energia for placing their trust in me to lead the most interesting company in Estonia and I pledge I will make every effort to further develop the flagship of our energetics,” he adds.

In the words of Erkki Raasuke, chairman of the Supervisory Board, Eesti Energia has made meaningful and important progress under the leadership of Sandor Liive. “I offer my sincerest thanks to Sandor Liive for his years of commitment to Eesti Energia,” Raasuke adds. Liive continues to manage the company until the end of November.