Full-service rental of a heat pump

A full service based on monthly payments, where the initial investment is made by us and you only pay the monthly payment

A heat pump all year round without worries

  • The monthly payment is fixed for the entire period and includes emergency callouts and repair costs.
  • You will feel assured that the monthly fee is fixed for the whole period.
  • With full-service rental we value your time and take care of all the important tasks related to using the heat pump.
  • We advise you on choosing the most suitable device.
  • We install the device and provide you with instructions on how to use it.
  • The rental invoice is sent to you conveniently together with the electricity invoice.

Miks eelistada täisteenust seadme ostule?

No need for a one-time large expenditure

Ei mingit suurt väljaminekut seadme ostuks ja paigalduseks. Hakkad tasuma vaid kuutasu ning leiame ja paigaldame sulle sobivaima soojuspumba.

Regular maintenance

We service your device regularly, ensuring the reliability and validity of its warranty. The cost of maintenance is included in the monthly payment.

No surprises

Kui seadmega midagi juhtub, siis parandame või vahetame selle välja tasuta.

Alati kaasaaegne seade

Pärast 5-aastast õhk-õhk soojuspumba kasutamist paigaldame sulle täiesti uue seadme, sina jätkad vaid kuutasu maksmist.

Sample offer

Electrolux Avalanche 12

  • Device Electrolux Avalanche 12 with installation
  • Suitable for households up to 60 m²
  • The rental period is 60 months
  • Contract fee is 0 euros

Monthly fee for full-service rental 65 euros

Terms and price list

Terms and conditions of the rental agreement

Heating and cooling solutions rental services price list