Heat pump full service

It is a full service based on monthly payments, where we make the initial investment and you only have to pay the monthly payment.

Worry-free heat pump all year round

  • The monthly payment is fixed for the entire period and includes emergency calls and repair costs.
  • With full-service rental, we value your time and take over all the important tasks related to the use of the heat pump.
  • We advise you on choosing the most suitable device.
  • We install the device and guide you in its use.
  • The rental bill will conveniently reach you together with the electricity bill.

Why prefer full service over purchase of the device?

There is no one-time big expense

No big expense for device purchase and installment. You will only pay a monthly fee starting from 160 euros, and we will find and install the most suitable heat pump for you.

Regular maintenance

We keep track of your maintenance times and do it with no additional fee.

There are no surprises

If something happens to the device, we will repair or replace it for free.

Always a modern device

After 9 years, we will install a completely new heat pump for you. You just keep paying the monthly fee.

sample offer

Panasonic T-CAP 9 kW

  • Device Panasonic T-CAP 9 kW with installation
  • Rental contract period 60 months
  • Contract fee 0 euros

Full service monthly fee €180

Conditions and price list

General conditions of the heat pump rental agreement

Enefitʼs heating and cooling solutions rental services price list