New Head of IT and Business Development to join the Management Board of Eesti Energia

As of April, all responsibilities related to the large-scale power industry, including the operation and development of controlled electricity generation, oil plants and mines, as well as the development of the chemical industry, will be transferred to Enefit Power and will fall under the responsibility of Andres Vainola, member of the Management Board of Eesti Energia and CEO of Enefit Power.

‘Just as in Enefit Green the development and operation of renewable energy are combined in one company, in the future the same will apply to Enefit Power regarding dispatchable power generation. The goal is to achieve the profitability of Enefit Power and make the entire field of dispatchable power generation and chemical industry more efficient,’ explains Andrus Durejko, chairman of the Management Board of Eesti Energia.

With this change, Raine Pajo, whose responsibilities included strategic development projects, foreign projects, procurement, environmental issues, development activities related to the circular economy and mineral resources, chemical technology development and asset management for the dispatchable power generation, will leave the Board of Eesti Energia. Pajo will continue as a member of the Supervisory Board and Audit Committee of Enefit Green, a subsidiary of Eesti Energia.

The new member of the Management Board of Eesti Energia will be the head of business development and IT, whose recruitment is ongoing. ‘Information technology provides a significant competitive advantage in the energy sector, which is why I consider it necessary to have the head of IT and business development on the Management Board,’ Durejko notes.

Eesti Energia's executive management is under the responsibility of the Management Board, which consists of six members elected by the company’s Supervisory Board. The chairman of the Management Board is Andrus Durejko and the Board members are Kelli Toss-Kaasik, Marlen Tamm, Kristjan Kuhi, Andres Vainola and the future head of business development and IT.

Eesti Energia is an international energy company whose home markets are the Baltic States, Finland and Poland. The group’s activities include both energy production and sales, the development of the chemical industry and providing customers with useful and convenient energy solutions. Outside Estonia, the group operates under the brand name Enefit.