
Andres Vainola became a Member of the Board of Eesti Energia

The Chairman of the Board of the group's subsidiary Enefit Power, Andres Vainola, joined the Management Board of Eesti Energia.


The Supervisory Board of Eesti Energia has proposed to the General Meeting to change the articles of association so that the group's board can continue with six members. The General Meeting approved the amendment to the Articles of Association and the Supervisory Board decided to appoint Andres Vainola as the sixth member of the Management Board, who will also continue as the Chairman of the Management Board of Enefit Power.

"The decision to bring a representative of Enefit Power to the board of Eesti Energia comes from the fact that Enefit Power is the largest subsidiary of Eesti Energia, which also faces the biggest challenges in the coming years," explained Chairman of the Management Board of Eesti Energia Andrus Durejko.

Vainola added that Enefit Power has clear goals, the realization of which requires a great deal of effort. "With our power plants, we support system operators in ensuring security of supply, and we are gradually moving from the production of liquid fuels to the production of raw materials for chemical products, for what the company has involved partners and research institutions. Our development perspective based on a true circular economy will also make the industry in Ida-Virumaa sustainable.

Vainola has been with the Eesti Energia group since 2014, when he joined the company as a Member of the Board. Since 2021, he is the Chairman of the Management Board of the group's energy production company Enefit Power. Previously, he worked in the management of the Empower group and its subsidiaries and was a member of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Liinirongid AS.

Vainola will also continue as Chairman of the Management Board of Enefit Power, his mandate as a board member will begin on April 14, 2023, and the term of office will be the same as that of other board members, i.e. March 31, 2026.

Enefit Power is a subsidiary of the Eesti Energia group, which produces electricity, heat and liquid fuels and mines oil shale.

The Management Board consisting of six members elected by the company's Supervisory Board is responsible for the executive management of Eesti Energia. The Chairman of the Management Board is Andrus Durejko, and the members of the board are Kelli Toss-Kaasik, Marlen Tamm, Kristjan Kuhi, Raine Pajo and Andres Vainola.