
More than 200,000 private consumers voluntarily pay 20% higher price for electricity

Universal service is the most expensive option for customers today. Eesti Energia makes an offer today to private customers on universal service to change their electricity package in order to save nearly 50 euros for an average customer in six months. In order to get cheaper electricity, customers of universal service must choose a new package themselves, it is not possible to transfer anyone automatically.

"The universal service gave Estonians a somewhat cheaper electricity price for three months, but now the energy market prices have fallen so much that the universal service is the most expensive option for consumers. Its users have been paying tens of percent more compared to packages with fixed or market prices for electricity for several months," said Agnes Roos, Member of the Management Board, responsible for Customer Services at Eesti Energia.


Eesti Energia sends the offer to more than 200,000 private customers with universal service to choose a six-month fixed-rate electricity package “Fixed 6”. The special price of the offer is 15.89 cents/kWh for Eesti Energia’s existing universal service customers and the offer is valid until 24 March. The electricity package is 17% cheaper than the universal service, and it has no termination fee.

The average electricity consumption of a private customer of Eesti Energia on universal service is 229 kWh per month, for which they would pay €44 without taking into account the national energy cost compensation. With the same consumption, the electricity bill with the “Fixed 6” package would be €36. This saves almost €50 for the six-month period.

According to Agnes Roos, last autumn, the law obliged electricity sellers to automatically transfer customers of more expensive electricity packages to universal service, but now customers have to be active themselves to consume cheaper electricity.

"We cannot automatically remove anyone from the universal service. The best we can do is to prepare an offer for our universal service customers, which they can confirm themselves in our e-service, if they wish, before 24 March," Agnes said.

People who want to withdraw from the universal service can also choose some other electricity package. Since the beginning of this year, 22,000 customers of Eesti Energia have left the universal service. You can learn more about all electricity packages offered by Eesti Energia on the company's website.

Eesti Energia has lowered the margin for its exchange-rate package

In addition to “Fixed 6”, customers can choose a fixed-rate package for a different period or an exchange-rate package. By choosing an exchange-rate package, a margin of 0.67 cents/kWh for new exchange-rate contracts will be added to the exchange price and monthly fee. The margin covers the risks and operating costs related to the purchase and sale of electricity by your electricity seller.

In addition, Eesti Energia reduces the margin by 0.8 cents/kWh for all its existing exchange-rate customers, by 17% retroactively from 1 March, which also makes their new margin 0.67 cents/kWh.

"The drop in the market price of electricity has reduced the cost of capital for electricity sellers. This enabled us to lower the exchange price margin," Agnes Roos said.

"Eesti Energia's goal is to provide people with beneficial and convenient energy solutions. With these offers, we want to help people make the decision that best matches their energy consumption," Agnes said.

If you need help in making a choice, please contact customer service on 777 4040 or at to determine the most suitable energy solution for you.