
Anne Mere will be the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Energia

General Meeting of Eesti Energia, Minister of Finance Keit Pentus-Rosimannus recalled Väino Kaldoja, Ants Pauls and Ivo Palu from the Supervisory Board of Eesti Energia in connection with the end of their mandate on 12 May, appointing Taavi Tamkivi, Ahti Kuningas and Anne Mere as new members, as proposed by the Nomination Committee.

By the decision of the General Meeting, Anne Mere will become the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the energy group. Anne Mere will take over the position from Väino Kaldoja who has been leading the Supervisory Board for the last five years.

The mandates of the current members Andres Liinat, Einari Kisel and Meelis Einstein were extended in the new configuration of the Supervisory Board. Tarmo Porgand, recalled and reappointed by the Minister to harmonize his term of office, will also continue to work in the Board. The term of office of the new configuration of the Supervisory Board will be three years starting from 12 May 2022.

“I would like to thank the current members of the Supervisory Board for their work and I wish the new configuration all the best for the future,” Minister of Finance Keit Pentus-Rosimannus said.

“Eesti Energia's ambition for a cleaner future and the ongoing energy revolution have always spoken to me. I am sincerely pleased to be able to contribute to this goal,” said Anne Mere, about to start as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board with her long-term management experience in major companies.

Anne Mere is the Managing Director of Fazer Bakery Baltic and the former head of Finnish and Baltic markets of the Finnish listed company HKScan, as well as the former Chairman of the Management Board of HKScan Estonia (former Rakvere Lihakombinaat). She has long-term experience in the general management of food industry companies belonging to an international group. Anne Mere is also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund as a representative of employers.

Andres Liinat is the former CEO of Cleveron and the former Chancellor of the University of Tartu. He has held leading positions in the hotel, trade and banking industries.

Einari Kisel is the Head of Strategy and Partnerships at the Smart City Center of Excellence at Tallinn University of Technology, the former Head of the European Region at the World Energy Council, the former Head of the Energy Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the former Director of Energy Trading at Eesti Energia.

Meelis Einstein is the Managing Director and Member of the Management Board at AS Kunda Nordic Tsement, the head of the Baltic units of HeidelbergCement, as well as President of the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia.

Taavi Tamkivi is the founder and CEO of Salv Technologies OÜ and the former Head of Compliance Control at the Estonian branch of Wise Payments Limited.

Tarmo Porgand is the Deputy Head of State Assets Department at the Ministry of Finance, a shaper of the field of participatory policy and an expert in the management of state-owned enterprises. Tarmo Porgand is also a member of the Supervisory Board of AS Operail and a former member of the supervisory boards of Elering, Levira and Riigi Kinnisvara AS.

Ahti Kuningas is the Undersecretary of Transport at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and its former Undersecretary of Economic Development. Kuningas is a member of the supervisory boards of AS Tallinna Sadam and RB Rail AS.

The Supervisory Board of Eesti Energia consists of 6–8 members, appointed by a decision of the Minister of Finance as the representative of the owner, taking into account the proposals of the Nomination Committee for the Supervisory Boards of State-Owned Enterprises.

The Board is led by the chairman. The requirements and expectations set for the members of the Supervisory Board are set out in the Commercial Code and the State Assets Act. In addition, the Supervisory Board is guided by the Articles of Association of Eesti Energia and the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board.