
The Talented Youth Energy Fund supports science enthusiasts in Ida-Virumaa

From 18 October, the Talented Youth Energy Fund is once again waiting for applications from young people in Ida-Virumaa who wish to receive financial support for self-development and hobby activities. The application round of the joint fund established by Eesti Energia and the Association of Local Authorities of Ida-Viru County (IVOL) will remain open until 15 November, and grants will be handed out in December.

Young people aged 7–19 from Ida-Viru County can apply for support from the Talented Youth Energy Fund for the development of their hobby activities. The fund particularly supports interest in science. Grants are awarded for participation in Olympiads, contests and competitions, development of scientific and technical knowledge, and acquisition of tools related to a field of interest. Applications can be submitted by the young people themselves, their parents, teachers or hobby group leaders.


“We support young people in acquiring education and knowledge and realizing their dreams. We believe that our future is in the hands of educated and smart young people. Today’s world of technology is changing rapidly and the focus is on environmental issues. We are looking for solutions and cooperating with scientists to reach zero with our CO2 emissions,” said Raine Pajo, Member of the Management Board of Eesti Energia. “Young people's curiosity about new and exciting discoveries is a driving force. The more we manage to give children opportunities and show different aspects of the world, and the greater the base of young people's knowledge and confidence, the easier it will be for them to choose a profession in the future and feel the joy and benefits of their activities,” Pajo added.

The 15th round of applications of the joint fund will take place this year. The Talented Youth Energy Fund started its activities in 2013 and has supported nearly 350 young people from the Ida-Viru County since then.

“Competitions, contents and Olympiads in the county have confirmed that local young people have a lot of potential to succeed, and not only at the local level. I believe that our contribution through grants will help young people to move towards their goals. Our hope is that in the future, the knowledge and skills gained by the young people will be contributed to the development of their county, as local entrepreneurs increasingly say that the labour market is in desperate need of specialists in automation, physics and chemistry,” said Eve East, Chairman of the Board of IVOL.

The application form and detailed terms and conditions of participation are available here. Please submit your application by 15 November. The Talented Youth Energy Fund will hand out the grants at the end of December.

Every year, the Energy Fund distributes 9,000 euros to support the hobby activities of young people in Ida-Virumaa, of which 5,000 euros is Eesti Energia's contribution to research and education projects, and 4,000 euros is the contribution by the Association of Local Authorities of Ida-Viru County to other hobby activities.

Additional information: Association of Local Authorities of Ida-Viru County