
Eesti Energia’s Terms and Conditions are changing

The updated Terms and Conditions of Eesti Energia will enter into force on 1 June 2021. Terms and Conditions are an integral part of our electricity contracts and other services.

Most important changes:

  • We will reduce and harmonize the default interest rate for private customers set out in the Standard Terms and Conditions of all contracts of Eesti Energia AS in the range of 0.07% - 0.1% with a default interest rate of 0.066%.
  • For the purpose of harmonization, we will replace the default interest rate for business customers set out in the Standard Terms and Conditions of all contracts of Eesti Energia AS in the range of 0.1% - 0.19% with a default interest rate of 0.2%.
  • A clause was added to the Standard Terms and Conditions of electricity contracts of Eesti Energia AS, according to which Eesti Energia, as the Seller, has the right to unilaterally change the price package if the Buyer is indebted to the Seller or if bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated against the Buyer. The Seller shall notify the Buyer at least 14 days in advance about changing the price package.