
Eesti Energia signs share purchase agreement to acquire Imatra Elekter

On 10 March 2021, Eesti Energia AS's fully owned subsidiary Elektrilevi OÜ as the buyer, and Imatra FNW OY, fully owned by Imatran Seudun Sähkö Oy, as the seller entered into a Share Purchase Agreement regarding all the shares of Imatra Elekter AS, a distribution and energy service company operating in Estonia. The transaction remains subject to clearance by the Estonian Competition Authority. By agreement of the parties, the consideration payable for 100% of the shares of Imatra Elekter AS will be disclosed after the transaction’s approval by the Estonian Competition Authority.

Imatra Elekter offers energy services to 25 000 customers in Estonia, and is the third largest distribution network company in Estonia with nearly 3,100 kilometres of power lines and 1,300 substations. Elektrilevi is the largest network company in Estonia, managing approximately 60,000 kilometres of power lines and 24,000 substations, and serving more than 508,000 customers.