
The tax footprint of Eesti Energia reached close to 200 million euros in Estonia last year.

Eesti Energia paid 104.8 million euros in tax in Estonia and collected and mediated 94.7 million euros to tax authority, which made the group’s tax footprint 199.5 million euros in Estonia.

The group’s tax footprint in Estonia increased close to 10% compared to 2017. Increase in taxes paid was mainly influenced by dividends paid out in Estonia in December 2017, for which calculated income tax was paid by the company in January 2018.

With 66.2 million euros paid out last year, Eesti Energia group was the largest labour tax payer in Estonia. Employer paid out 41.4 million euros in labour taxes and collected 24.8 million euros from employees.

Paid taxes are taxes that are borne by Eesti Energia. Taxes collected are taxes that Eesti Energia fulfils the role of intermediary: collects taxes from consumers and employees and transfers the taxes to the tax authority.

A tax footprint is an indicator of the company’s contribution to society through tax payments. Eesti Energia considers it its duty to pay all taxes correctly and in a timely manner, thereby making a fair contribution to the economies of the countries in which it operates.
