
Eesti Energia collected a total of 7 tons of tyres from Estonian forests

Employees of Eesti Energia picked up 7 tons of tyres from the forests during World Cleanup Day to be crushed and then directed to Eesti Energia’s oil factory in Auvere and Enefit Green’s Iru Waste Incineration Plant.


According to Veljo Aleksandrov, the project director from Eesti Energia, more than 10,000 tons of waste tyres come into being in Estonia each year, and these degrade very slowly in the nature, which makes it a substantial environmental issue. “At the same time, old tyres are a potentially valuable raw material both for processing to energy and in the technology of liquid fuel production,” Aleksandrov said. “We see that energy production can be the solver of an environmental problem here.


“If the waste cessation draft drawn up by the Ministry of the Environment gets approved with the European Commission and becomes effective in Estonia, we can start using old shredded tyres for oil production. This way, we could solve the waste tyre problem not just for Estonia, but may-be for the whole region,” Aleksandrov said.

In 2017, Enefit Green started processing old tyres to energy at Iru Waste Incineration Plant, and likewise, successful tests have been passed at Eesti Energia’s oil factories. The tests showed that by using waste tyres and oil shale together, air emissions stay within the legal limits and the quality of produced oil complies with the requirements.