
Eesti Energia raises the capacity of producing electricity from oil shale gas and reduces the environmental impact of large-scale power industry

Enefit Energiatootmine, the subsidiary of Eesti Energia, started using oil shale gas, formed during the process of producing shale oil, in a greater volume than previously for producing energy at Eesti Power Plant. Oil shale gas of high calorific value can be used in the 8th energy block as a raw material next to oil shale to the extent of up to 50%. The unique solution of raising the capacity of using oil shale gas was developed and installed by Sumitomo SHI FW (SFW).

“Due to the rise in using oil shale gas, we are able to increase both the flexibility and profitability of electricity production, and decrease the environmental impacts of electricity production at the same time, following the circular economy principle. Oil shale gas is a high-calorific gas, which is formed by producing oil from oil shale and it can be used for producing electricity. Up to the present moment, oil shale gas was used in small volumes in all Eesti Power Plant’s boilers. From now, we burn almost all of the gas in the highest efficiency production units - Auvere Power Plant and the rebuilt block of Eesti Power Plant. This way we can produce more electricity from the gas, take maximum use of the energy found in oil shale and therefore reduce the environmental impact of electricity production,” said Margus Vals, the Member of the Board of Eesti Energia.

The oil shale gas project of Eesti Energia is exclusive, because the co-burning experience of Estonian oil shale, as well as the oil shale gas from Enefit’s oil factories cannot be found elsewhere in the world. “The development of this unique sustainable solution was an exciting challenge for us. Our co-operation with Eesti Energia is an excellent example of our commitment to our customers by providing value and exceeding expectations,” the CEO of Sumitomo SHI FW, Tomas Harju-Jeanty noted.

Eesti Energia has a long-time co-operation experience with SFW within the framework of various procurements and according to Margus Vals, the strength of SFW lies precisely in offering the so-called tailoring solutions.

Three international companies took part in the procurement held two years ago, among which, the leading power technology company, Sumitomo SHI FW (former name Amec Foster Wheeler when signing the contract 2016) was declared the winner. SFW has long-term experience in the field of the oil shale industry, among other things they have developed oil shale technologies in co-operation with Eesti Energia and Tallinn University of Technology, the company has additionally constructed two fluidized-bed boilers for the 8th block of the Eesti Power Plant and two fluidized-bed boilers for the 11th block of the Balti Power Plant.

Eesti Energia is an energy group, which consists of more than 20 companies and provides jobs for more than 5800 people. Besides Estonia, the company is also operating in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Jordan, and the United States of America. Eesti Energia is the largest producer of energy in the Baltics, incl. one of the biggest renewable energy producers. The company produces electricity from oil shale, wind, water, sunlight, biomass and mixed municipal waste. Eesti Energia group offers technological solutions and maintenance service to industrial companies. The nation’s largest distribution network company Elektrilevi is also part of Eesti Energia group.