
New Management Board Appointed

Eesti Energia Supervisory Council has yesterday confirmed the new composition of the Management Board, which will be effective from 1 December, 2017.

The Management Board will include Hando Sutter (as the Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer), Andri Avila (Chief Financial Officer), Margus Vals (Chief Development Officer), Raine Pajo (Chief Operations Officer) and Andres Sutt (Chief Services Officer). Current member Andres Vainola will not continue as Member of Management Board after the expiration of his contract on November 30, 2017.

Andres Sutt is a new Member of the Management Board who will be responsible for customer services. The current position of Mr Sutt is Director of Group Regulatory Affairs in Eesti Energia. His prior positions include Head of Banking in European Stability Mechanism, Senior Advisor to CEO with the European Financial Stability Facility, Senior Advisor to Executive Director with the International Monetary Fund, and Deputy Governor of the Estonian Central Bank.

The authorisations of the Members of the Management Board are effective until 30 November, 2019.