
Energy market in March 2014

Electricity Day-Ahead prices continued to fall in Estonian and Finnish market regions in March. Latvian and Lithuanian Day-Ahead prices fell, while staying high compared to northern neighbours. Electricity futures’ prices fell to a fresh long-term low point yet again. Natural gas futures’ prices reacted to world’s political tensions. EstLink-2 had a unifying effect on Estonian and Finnish Day-Ahead prices.

Continually warm weather in March weighed on Day-Ahead and futures’ market prices. Healthy levels of precipitation and low electricity consumption kept hydro reservoir levels high, bringing futures’ prices down. Carbon Dioxide emission prices collapsed in March. Wind Power generator productivity remained periodically high in March, lowering Day-Ahead prices. Political tensions stemming from Ukraine affected crude oil market prices, bringing both highs and lows. Dollar exchange rate strengthened against the euro, however remained comparatively weak against the common currency.

Energy market in March 2014